E-readers donated to MHS Library

Marshalltown High School students enjoy Nook e-readers donated in memory of Linda Matkovich.

Marshalltown High School students can now check out Nook e-readers from the MHS library, thanks to a generous donation in memory of Linda Matkovich,

Matkovich spent 36 years teaching government and social studies in Marshalltown Schools before retiring in 2004. She also served as a cheerleading adviser. She passed away in 2007.

Six Nook Simple Touch Readers were donated to the library. Each holds 40 titles, including Iowa High School Book Award nominees and the Iowa High School Battle of the Books competition titles.

Students with a signed parental permission form may borrow a Nook for a 2-week period.

For more information, please contact Sue Inhelder at 641-754-1130 or sinhelder@marshalltown.k12.ia.us.

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